Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Because I'm so Domesticated...

I felt the need to share that apparently, I am a quite the little seamstress!

I bought 2 pairs of jeans from AE and they were WAY too long. I think like 3 inches too long for me in a pair of 4" heels. Yeah. Somehow I came across this link and it shows you a neat trick for hemming pants. I've been wanting to try it since I found the link a few months ago, and was pretty excited when I had a reason to finally try it!

I think they came out really well! Once I iron them, you wont even be able to tell they were hemmed. Pretty pumped.


  1. yah you need to elaborate!

  2. There's a link in my blog, friends! Click on "this link" and you, too, will be enlightened!
