Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's time for a vacation...

...or a retreat! I'm going on my company's retreat this weekend and I am P U M P E D! A whole weekend of free(ish) fun-in-the-sun at a fancy resort and spa in Pennsylvania! The whole shebang is paid for by my company, minus any spa treatments  we wish to receive (or golf, but I don't golf). The spa hooked us up with a nice discount, so I am taking advantage of it! I signed Gus and myself up for hot stone massages. I've never had a REAL massage, much less a hot stone massage, so I am VERY excited about that!

It's going to be a busy weekend! I hope we get some time to relax... aside from our massage time. There is a cocktail party Friday evening, then TST Olympics (aka super fun team bonding!) Saturday afternoon, quick break to shower and get all perdy, then a pre-dinner cocktail hour (with head shots for the website (I think) and "prom pictures" (we're taking advantage of the photographer being there and getting family/significant other pictures taken), a fancy-ish dinner with an AMAZING menu, then a farewell brunch Sunday morning -- and open bar throughout the whole weekend. And apparently, some of my coworkers REALLY know how to let loose at these open bar work functions! I am excited to see some of these geeks get down! Maybe I'll get some pictures for our Geeks Gone Wild website... yes, it really exists... yes, we own it... and yes, our shenanigans will be posted haha...

Pics to come next week when I return!

Monday, September 14, 2009

A little retrospection never hurt anybody...

I think it's pretty safe for me to say that this past weekend was pretty lame. I did a whole bunch of nothing, I was on my period, and quite moody because of that (thanks, Mother Nature!). I had a heads up though... One of my coworkers, Mani, is really into astrological charts and what-not (he is from India and apparently it's kind of a big deal there..?) and he told me the weekend would be not-so-great. Anyway -- he started at the end of July, gathered some info from everyone in the office and gave us all readings. Needless to say he was dead on with me, and has been every single time he's done a reading for me. It makes me think that there is actually some truth to it all! He will even send me emails when I'm having a bad day, and he hasn't even seen me to know I'm having a bad day! Pretty crazy... but I digress!

So Sunday evening, I'm in a pretty crabby mood and I'm having some quiet time by myself and get to thinking about my past, past relationships, past friendships, and why those relationships didn't work out. I've had a few significant break-ups with girlfriends and boyfriends, but its the breakups with the girlfriends that are the hardest on me. So I'm sitting there, watching Golden Girls reruns and thinking about my past relationships and I decided that I wanted to email some of the break-up-ees and apologize for any wrong-doings and give myself a little closure. I tracked down one of my old bffs on facebook, sent her an email, and sure enough she had been wanting to do the same thing! I think we may be getting together soon to catch up on life since I haven't seen her in 7 years. She was a HUGE influence in my life and as corny as it is, really helped me become the person I am today, so I am pretty excited to meet up with her. I don't think we will become bffs again, but it's nice having a relationship with someone who was such a big part of your past.

Who knows what will happen, but sometimes it REALLY is a small world...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Because I'm so Domesticated...

I felt the need to share that apparently, I am a quite the little seamstress!

I bought 2 pairs of jeans from AE and they were WAY too long. I think like 3 inches too long for me in a pair of 4" heels. Yeah. Somehow I came across this link and it shows you a neat trick for hemming pants. I've been wanting to try it since I found the link a few months ago, and was pretty excited when I had a reason to finally try it!

I think they came out really well! Once I iron them, you wont even be able to tell they were hemmed. Pretty pumped.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So Long, Tattoos! - Day 7

It's been 1 week since my first laser tattoo removal treatment and I must say that my backside is looking MUCH better!
I apologize for the view. Apparently at one time I thought it was a good idea to put ink on my butt. Both tattoos are healing nicely and I believe the only issue I'm having is with the tape! I haven't had tape on my skin for almost 48 hours now, but it's managed to mess my skin up somehow. It feels chapped, if that's even possible.

Here's another pic of the bigger tattoo on my back:
Some areas are already faded! Woo!
Well... I have lots to do this evening! More to come tonight or tomorrow! And NOT about tattoos!